Private Practice Renewed for the a Full Season

Ironically this is also one of the first shows I’ve dropped from my viewing schedule.  I really, really wanted to like this show.  Despite cherrypicking the best character from Grey’s and adding some of the best character actors on television this show is just terrible.  So I didn’t like last season’s pilot or this season’s premiere for that matter.  But still I wanted to give this show the benefit of the doubt.  Tim Daly, Taye Diggs, even Addison deserve the benefit of the doubt.

I’m sorry though.  Three episodes (plus last year’s pilot) and a preview of the fourth were more than enough to tell me that this show isn’t happening.  I’m truly embarrassed for these talented actors with their underdeveloped, childish characters, forced to spew bad dialogue that makes Gossip Girl seem like Shakespeare and stuck dealing with boring storylines (can anyone say “blue children”).

Although I am dropping this show I do need to put in a caveat that I am willing to revisit at a later date if my fellow TV Lovers tell me to give it a try.  I had dropped Grey’s Anatomy after the first couple of episodes and midway through the second season my wife convinced me to give it another try and I found a completely different and strangely enjoyable show.  I hope the same happens with Private Practice but for now, it’s off the list.

One Response to Private Practice Renewed for the a Full Season

  1. ScreenHeroes says:

    Hi, Can you add my link to your links please, I have done the same for you.

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